What should I wear?
Anything that is comfortable, safe and does not restrict freedom of movement.

Am I too fat, unfit or old to have a Personal Trainer?
The answer to this question is definitely not this is never the case the idea of a Personal Trainer is to reach your own individual fitness goals. People of all ages, abilities and weights have Personal Trainers and my schedules will be designed specifically to your level.

Where does the training take place?
Most of my clients are from Milton Keynes or the surrounding areas. So when we jog together and work out together we use the park at Willen Lake or at your home or fitness studio

Why should I spend money on a personal trainer?
Of course you can train alone. But with motivation you will develop faster with my customised training programme, I will mainly be your advisor who will correct your posture if it is not quite right. The schedules are designed specifically for you and are changed as you progress, Incorporating a varied and wide range of equipment to prevent boredom, ensuring that you enjoy the workout.

Should I Eat Before Training?
It is always better to exercise on an empty stomach so that you can burn your bodies fat stores. However if you do have to eat before you train try to eat carbohydrate-rich foods, this will help you to perform better during your workout. Try to eat at least one hour before beginning your workout. The foods that you want to eat before a workout are Bananas, Low fat yogurt, and Whole wheat English muffin.

Why does the intensive workout burn fat faster?
The secret of the faster fat burning on the intensive workout is to really burn up the fat stores, in order to do this you need to be burning carbohydrates. When your body is using carbohydrate to fuel your exercise, it means that you are burning more calories per minute. When there are no carbohydrate available, your intensity drops, this is why when you exercise on an empty stomach it feels much harder. Choose a satisfying meal or snack, but keep the high calorie additions to a minimum if you are trying to lose body fat. Give yourself about 45 minutes to digest your food before you start your high intensity workout. The Best lower calorie, carbohydrate rich foods to help burn fat are wholemeal cereal with skim milk, fruit, Toast with butter or Low fat yogurt.

How does the intake of calories affect my weight?
Everything you eat or drink contains calories the body uses only as many calories as it needs for energy. Any calories that are left over are stored as fat in the body, taking in more calories than you use up is the most important factor that leads to weight gain. In order to lose weight, you need to use up more calories than you take in. You can do this by getting regular exercise combined with a program of healthy eating.

How often do I need to train?
Just like almost anything in life, the more you put in the more you get out. The general consensus is that people should be exercising 5 days a week for 40 minutes a day in order to gain significant health benefits. However, significant benefits can be gained from three days a week which is sufficient for those who are out of condition.